Executive Member

Note to subgroup web managers:

This page is generated using a specially programmed template that draws the names and contact information for key members of the subgroup's executive automatically from the ATA's central database. As a result, you cannot change this information directly. To update this information, inform Barnett House of the changes and, once the central database is revised, the page will be updated automatically.

Use the placeholder at the bottom of this page to add other contacts, if any. Contact information added in the bottom placeholder will need to be maintained manually.

If you do not want to use this automatically generated list at all, simply delete the page and create your own listing using the "Standard Content Page" template.

If you choose to use this page, delete the instructions from this placeholder before asking that your site be moved to the live server. Otherwise, this information will be published.

Three Drums of Wheat Local No 20

Local Contacts

Mr Mike Robertson
Phone (bus): 403-337-2088 
Mrs Deanna M Kooistra
Phone (bus): 403-934-6648 
Mr Scott Carlson
Phone (bus): 403-934-3135 
Fax: 403-934-6694
Communications Officer
Mrs Rita L Kruger
Phone (bus): 403-901-7932 
Local Political Engagement Officer
Mr Adam B Sommerfeldt
Phone (bus): 403-644-3791 
Fax: 403-644-3813
District Representative
Ms Heather D McCaig
Phone (bus): 403-528-0562 
Fax: 780-455-6481

Add additional contacts (if any) here.