Welcome to the Three Drums of Wheat Local 20 Website
Current Issues and New Items

Your 2010-2011 Local ATA Executive:
* Do you want to contact a Local 20 executive member? Click on "Executive Corner" in the menu to the left; then "Executive Members."
(More executive members will be added to the Local 20 site as consents to publish personal information are updated.)
What will happen post-2012 when all collective agreements expire on August 31, 2012?
Check out "Partners to Discuss the Future of Education" on the provincial website.
Local 20 2010-2011 meetings dates and locations:
October 26, Drumheller (Note change from original date of October 25.)
November 22, Strathmore
January 10, Carbon
Februrary 7, Drumheller
March 7, Strathmore
April 11, Carbon
May 26, Drumheller: AGM
All teacher members are encouraged to add the AGM date to your monthly planners.
Attention Items:
Why not begin the new year by taking advantage of your free ATA Council membership?
YES, one membership is FREE. Apply at http://www.teachers.ab.ca.
Note to Local 20 ATA Representatives:
No names or photos can be included on this site unless a "
Consent to Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Information" has been signed. To simplify the process, please request a signed consent form from each member of your school. Open the hyperlink and print, or request a copy from your LCO.
Also send news items/ photos for publication to the LCO email. Identify all items as for general view or for members only.
(Sections of this web site are undeveloped. This page will direct you to new items as they appear.)